Spirit of Christmas Legacy Award



Presented By Lone Star Santas

During the course of Lone Star Santas activities as Santas, Mrs. Claus, Elves and others who are dedicated to the ‘joy of being Santa’, there was a realization that there are many others in our neighborhoods, communities, state, and region that share the same joy. 
These people may not look like Lone Star Santas members but they hold to the same principals and have the same joy of  giving, not just at Christmas but year around. Lone Star Santas came to the conclusion that our organization should somehow recognize the spirit and generosity of these folks and let them know that Lone Star Santas are watching them maintain their position on the ‘good list’ by being kind and doing good for others.

This good, coming from their hearts, demonstrates that these individuals have the Spirit of Christmas in their actions, and Lone Star Santas recognizes that these good deeds will be a lasting Legacy so that others will feel the same spirit fill their hearts and go do kind, good and wonderful things.

We hope that this award helps affirm to these individuals, that what they do, and how they act is a gift from God, and they have been touched with a ‘giving heart’ in the true Spirit of Christmas which will create a legacy forever in time.



Over the past few years, we have created and presented the ‘Spirit of Christmas Legacy Award’ to several people.

2015 Tony Gullo

Tony is the owner of Gullo Motors with three auto dealerships located in Conroe, Texas.  He is well known for his Christmas Spirit and huge Santa heart providing many of his philanthropic efforts to the children and families of Montgomery County.

Tony has also presented $30,000 to our ‘Convoy of Toys’© charity support.

The first award was a glass award.  We since have elected to use a walnut plaque as shown next.

2016 Jim ‘Mattress Mack’ McIngvale

Mattress Mack is a legionary, energetic and giving businessman from Houston who owns and operates the Gallery Furniture retail chain.  He is most generous to families who have been affected by disasters.  His giving spirit continues to support our Mission of providing Love, Hope and Joy to Children and Families Affected by Natural Disasters.

2017 Sadie Keller

Sadie is a young lady who suffered with cancer.  However, as well as being a fighter, she collected toys to give to her fellow patients through her many years in hospitals.  Fortunately, she recently was declared free of cancer.  She has continued to be recognized by many with her giving spirit.

2018 Gordon Hartman

Gordon Hartman, inspired by daughter, Morgan, established the Gordon Hartman Family Foundation.   They created Morgan’s Wonderland, the Academy at Morgan’s as a special place for individuals of all abilities to learn and have fun together.  Gordon is an example of Empathy, Compassion, Kindness and Giving while spreading Love, Hope and Joy throughout the San Antonio community.

2019 Scott and Phil Medlin – Santa’s Wonderland

Let it be known that Scott and Phil Medlin embody the true Spirit of Christmas.  They, along with their wonderful staff have created Santa’s Wonderland … the Largest Christmas attraction in the state of Texas.  In over 20 years, Santa’s Wonderland has been a special place for families to enjoy over 3-Million Lights on a mile and a half long wondering trail, a life-sized Christmas Village, unique shops, live entertainment and a mouth-watering Texas-sized food experience.  And … of course … Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus spreading Love, Hope and Joy.  Let us all be led by their example spreading Christmas Joy and of supporting several local charities and organizations.

2019 Russell “Cheeto” Musquiz

Russell “Cheeto” Musquiz embodies the true Spirit of Christmas.  He, along with his beautiful wife, Mary and their wonderful staff have created Bull Printing Graphics.  Cheeto displays Love, Hope and Joy in everything he does and certainly displays the importance of family … not only with their employees but especially with their clients.  Lone Star Santas is fortunate to be part of this family.  We thank Cheeto for designing and wrapping two of our Convoy of Toys trailers, believing in our mission and for supporting us with several very successful toy drives.

2020 Alton Wells Spokes for Hope

This organization conveys the Spirit of Christmas and Love, Hope and Joy year-round by presenting thousands of foster and needy children brand-new bicycles and helmets state-wide in Texas. Spokes For Hope works closely with child advocacy centers, churches, schools and law enforcement agencies, to identify deserving children and families to receive brand new bicycles and helmetsMany individuals, companies and corporations support the cause by volunteering their time to help assemble the numerous bicycles. Each year Spokes4Hope distributes between 1,500 to 1,700 brand-new bicycles and helmets. At a chance meeting with the founders while on a Convoy of Toys scouting mission, we discovered Lone Star Santas and Spokes for Hope have some striking similarities. Both organizations were founded between 2006 and 2007. Both organizations love to help kids with specific needs. Both organizations love to create joy and magic all over the state. Spokes for Hope surprised Lone Star Santas by arriving with a bicycle and helmet for each child at a Convoy of Toys event at the tornado-ravaged town of Martins Mill, Texas.

2021 Bridget and Terrell “JD” Dickens AGK Angels

2022 Coastal Prairie Quilting Guild of Texas

2023 Amy’s Wish with Wings

2024 Abbie Maberry “Light Work 516, Inc.”