Santa Santa Fritz

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Sleigh Email Address
I have been a Santa for over 20 years. I started out simply working with our local fire dept delivering gifts to families in need. Then I was recruited to be the Santa at the local school for various activities. Then in 2010 I attended the Charles W Howard Santa School in Midland, Michigan. I continued attending each year until I moved to Texas 3 years ago. Since I lived only 30 miles from the Midland School location I was asked by the Dean of the school if I would be interested in portraying the jolly old elf right there where the school was held, which I did until I moved to Texas. I also portrayed Santa at the Rooftop Landing Reindeer Farm in Clare, Michigan. The Rooftop Landing Reindeer Farm is well known all over Michigan as they have over 14- 16 reindeer on the farm which they take all over Michigan to schools, civic events etc.
Since I have been in Marble Falls I have been a Santa at various events at the Horseshoe Bay Resort and Yacht Club. Tree Lighting, breakfast with Santa, and a few other events. I do some corporate events and also private home parties. I truly love the opportunity that I have to visit with little people. They are so fun and to see the excitement in their faces it is just so fun.
Marble Falls