Santa Eric AKA The Houston Santa

Santa Eric AKA The Houston Santa

Eric Dieckman
Sleigh Phone Number
Sleigh Email Address
A professional real-bearded Santa since 2016, The Houston Santa (AKA Santa Eric) has made appearances at a wide variety of events. From malls, shopping centers and department stores, home visits, corporate events, tree lightings, hospitals, Zoom, video postcards, print advertising, television and radio, The Houston Santa is a seasoned pro. Highlights include an appearance on Shark Tank (CBS), KHOU 11 news (Houston), the OKC Thunder (NBA), Nieman Marcus Breakfast with Santa (Houston), an online campaign for T-Mobile, Memorial Hermann, Texas Women’s Hospital, a TV commercial, a TV appearance with Toro (mascot for The Texans, NFL), among others. And The Houston Santa can’t wait to make YOUR event his next highlight!
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